Athenaeum Press Team at #ACH2019

The Athenaeum Press team presented on two of its projects: Trans/South: Ten Voices of Identity and Virtual Hampton at the Association for Computers and Humanities in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania in July 2019.

Shonte Clement (DCD major, ’19) and Joshua Parsons (English major, ’20) represented the Trans/South project alongside Tripthi Pillai, faculty lead, and Alli Crandell, press director. These students were some of the only undergraduates who attended the conference, and showcased the student work well.

Sue Bergeron and Alli Crandell presented on the progress students had made for Virtual Hampton. We are excited to continue exploring the affective dimensions of recreating plantation and Reconstruction landscapes with our future work on the Gullah Geechee Digital Project, Bergeron’s Virtual Shikoku and the Sandy Island project.

Many thanks to the conference organizers who created the perfect environment to present our projects amongst some amazing initiatives.

View our Presentations