Sandy Island Cultural Initiative Holds Public Meetings

As part of the Sandy Island Cultural Initiative (started with At Low Tide: Voices of Sandy Island), the Press team helped facilitate public meetings discussing the renovation of the Sandy Island school house.

Carlie Todd, our summer intern from USC’s PhD in History program (and press alumn from Brick by Brick!), and Hattie Jordan, MALS summer intern, were a part of this process. Carlie helped us complete a review draft of a nomination for the Sandy Island school house to be listed National Historic Registry of Historic Properties, and Hattie Jordan completed some amazing narratives on Sandy Island.

Our team presented a status update for this three-year-long project, and talked about next steps and priorities for the Sandy Island school. We held two meetings and attended the Sandy Island Family Reunion. We’re so excited to continue this project and see the renovated Sandy Island School!

Presentations and Notes